Matrimonial property regimes is an extremely important law system in life of family 本文是对我国夫妻财产制的研究分析。
The regime of statutory matrimonial property includes two categories ; one is the normal regime of statutory matrimonial property , which is known as the system of ordinary statutory matrimonial property 非常法定夫妻财产制是法定夫妻财产制的重要组成部分,我国现行立法中没有规定非常法定夫妻财产制。
China ’ s existing marital law does not stipulate this system and its legislation are lagged behind . by comparing and analyzing the different foreign provisions of the regime of unusual statutory matrimonial property and studying the successful practices of foreign law , the author makes some perspectives about building the regime of unusual statutory matrimonial property in our country 本文通过对世界各国或地区立法不同规定的比较分析和学习借鉴,首先介绍了非常法定夫妻财产制的概念和特征,以及我国夫妻财产制立法中增设非常法定夫妻财产制的必要性。
Then , the author discusses the theoretical and practical significances of adding the regime of unusual statutory matrimonial property in the legislations of our country ' s existing matrimonial property from analyzing the current socio - economic development of the new situations and new problems in our country , the changing of the property values and the actions of the regime of unusual statutory matrimonial property in protecting the weaker and defending the security of transactions 其次,对我国的非常法定夫妻财产制是采取单一的宣告的非常法定夫妻财产制,还是采取宣告的非常法定夫妻财产制与当然的非常法定夫妻财产制并存的双轨制,是采取分散式立法形式还是集中式立法形式,以及是否应当公示进行了探讨。
Marital property system is about the ownership , management , use , income and disposing of properties before marriage and after marriage , he liquidation of debts , the clearing and partition when the marriage is removed . according to taking place , matrimonial property regimes is divided into statutory regime as to marital property , contractual regime as to marital property . statutory regime as to martial property is divided into usually leagal property and unusually leagal property 这一部分的写作没有单列各国的立法例,而是以夫妻财产制的一般理论为指引,将各国关于夫妻财产制的立法内容揉合在一起论述,是后两部分的基础;第二部分是我国夫妻财产制的类型分析,主要是以我国现行夫妻财产制立法规定为依据,分析了我国夫妻财产制的内容;第三部分是在比较前两部分的基础上,指出我国夫妻财产制的缺陷及原因,并提出从立法上进行完善的五点建议,是全文的结论。